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Copyright © Erik Gotfredsen.
Den ukomplette reference-guide til lægeplanter og plantemedicin
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Updated: 26-02-2011 11:53:08

Lepidium sativum

Nasturtium officinale RBr.


0, 47-162, 61, 62, 103, 505

Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)



0, 1-134, 3-42, 10-19, 30-53, 31-35, 38, 60-670, 101-160, 102-338, 125-88, 200-2107, 224



Sisymbrium officinale

LiberHerbarum Minor
LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor LiberHerbarumMinor

Perennial 31-35, 38, 60-670, 125-88
Height up to 80 cm. 30-53, 1-134, 38, 60-670, 101-160, 125-88
Ser.nr. 0217
Latin Nasturtium officinale RBr.
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek
Nasturtium aquaticum
Tykskulpet brøndkarse
Water Cress
Berro / Cresson / Two-rowed Watercress / Water-cress 
Gemeine Brunnenkresse
Echte Brunnenkresse
Bachbitterkraut / Bachkresse / Bitterkresse / Bittersalat / Bornkassen / Brunnenkresse / Kersche / Paderkerse / Wasserkresse / Wassersenf / Weisse Kresse
Grøn engelskkarse
Grønn engelskkarse
Engelsk karse / Vannkarse
Cresson de fontaine
cresson d'eau
Rukiew wodna
Witte waterkers
Echte waterkers / Waterkers soort
Crescione d'acqua
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum
Berro de agua
Berro / Mastuerzo de agua / Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum
Potočnica lekárska
Orvosi vízitorma
Közönséges kányafű / Vízitorma
Potočnice lékařská
Potočnice lékaoská
Agrião / Agrião-aquático
Жеру́ха обыкнове́нная
Водяно́й кресс / Жеру́ха лека́рственная
Vodna kreša navadna
رشاد / قرة العين / كوبانا
גרגיר הנחלים
גרגר הנחלים
1-134, 3-42, 5-333, 10-19, 11-88, 12-20, 21-20, 23-24, 24-83, 26-140, 28-188, 30-53, 31-35, 32-22, 34-35, 38, 47-162, 60-670, 61, 62,
101-160, 102-338, 103, 104-1, 125-88, 128-34, 200-2107,
222, 223, 224, 226-105512, 226-25072, 227, 228, 229, 230, 236, 238-2116, 239, 240, 242, 244, 245, 246, 250, 253,
503-656, 504, 505
[Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz]
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Sygdomme & anvendelser

Diseases & Uses

Krankheiten & Anwendungen
  Sygdomme Diseases Krankheiten Agrement on sources with registrations
Details afførende laxative Abführmittel Other/Unspecified 38, 61 15 %
Details afgiftende Detoxicant entgiften Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details almen svækkelse cachexy Allgemeine Schwäche Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details anoreksi anorexia Anorexie Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details antibiotikum Antibacterial Antibiotika Other/Unspecified 2-67 7 %
Details antiseptisk antiseptic Antiseptikum Folia 62 7 %
Details Anæmi Anemia Anämie Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details betændelse inflammation antiinflammatorisch Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details betændelse i galdeblære Anti-cholecystitic Gallenblasenentzündung Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details blodrensende blood cleanser Blutreinigend Other/UnspecifiedFoliaFlos/Flores 3-42, 38, 60-670, 61, 62 38 %
Details blodstigning congestion Blutandrang Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details blodsukkersænkende lowering the blood sugar Blutzucker senkend Other/UnspecifiedFolia 32-22, 38, 62 23 %
Details Blærebetændelse Cystitis Zystitis Other/UnspecifiedFolia 2-67, 61, 62 23 %
Details blærelidelser Bladder diseases Blasenkrank Other/Unspecified 1-134, 10-19, 31-35 23 %
Details Brandsår Burn Brandwunde Other/Unspecified 3-16, 3-42 7 %
Details Bronkitis Bronchitis Bronchitis Other/UnspecifiedFoliaFlos/Flores 2-67, 10-19, 32-22, 60-670, 62 38 %
Details bylder Abscess Abszess Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details bylder i mund - - Other/Unspecified 1-134, 31-35 15 %
Details Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details engelsk syge rachitis Rachitis Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Epilepsi Epilepsy Epilepsie FoliaHerba 21-20, 62 15 %
Details Feber fever Fieber Other/Unspecified 60-670, 61 15 %
Details fordøjelsesbesvær dyspepsia Verdauungsstörung Other/UnspecifiedFolia 3-42, 10-19, 26-140, 31-35, 32-22, 61, 62 53 %
Details forebygger infektioner Protects against infections - Other/Unspecified 3-42 7 %
Details Forkølelse common cold Erkältung Other/UnspecifiedFolia 2-67, 3-17, 62 23 %
Details forårskur spring course Fruhjahrskur Folia 62 7 %
Details Fregne Freckle Sommersprossen Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details frostknuder Anti-chilblain Frostbeule Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details galdeblærelidelser Gall-bladder complaints Gallenblasenerkrankungen Other/Unspecified 26-140 7 %
Details galdedrivende cholagogic galletreibend Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
Details galdelidelser biliary disorders Gallebeschwerden Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
Details Galdesten gall stone Gallenstein Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Gigt Gout Gicht Other/UnspecifiedFolia 1-134, 3-42, 10-19, 31-35, 32-22, 62 46 %
Details Gulsot Icterus Gelbsuch Other/UnspecifiedFoliaFlos/Flores 3-42, 60-670, 61 23 %
Details gurglevand gargle Gurgelwasser Herba 21-20 7 %
Details Halsbetændelse Tonsillitis Halsentzündung Other/UnspecifiedFolia 2-67, 62 15 %
Details Hoste Cough Husten Other/UnspecifiedFolia 10-19, 32-22, 60-670, 62 30 %
Details hostestillende cough depressing Antitussivum Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Hovedpine Headache Kopfschmerz Other/Unspecified 23-24 7 %
Details Hudlidelser skin diseases Hautkrankheiten Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details hududslet Rashes Ekzem Other/UnspecifiedFolia 3-42, 32-22, 62 23 %
Details hævede mandler - - Other/Unspecified 2-67 7 %
Details håraffald hair loss Haarausfall Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
Details influenza influenza Influenza Other/Unspecified 2-67 7 %
Details katar Anti-catarrhal Katarrh Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details kløe itch Jucken Other/UnspecifiedFolia 31-35, 62 15 %
Details kopper small pox Pocken Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details kronisk bronkitis Chronic bronchitis Chronische Bronchitis Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details kroniske sår Antiulcer chronische Wunde Other/Unspecified 60-670 7 %
Details lammelse paralysis Lähmung Herba 21-20 7 %
Details ledsmerter Aching joints Gelenkschmerzen Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
Details lindrer hovedet - - Other/Unspecified 31-35 7 %
Details luftvejskatar respiratory catarrh Luftwegskatarrh Other/Unspecified 3-42, 10-19, 31-35 23 %
Details lungelidelser Lung ailments Lungenerkrankungen Other/Unspecified 3-20, 3-42, 60-670 15 %
Details Lungetuberkulose pulmonary tuberculosis Lungentuberkulose Other/Unspecified 60-670, 61 15 %
Details lymfekirteltuberkulose Scrofula Skrofulose Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details mavestyrkende good for the stomach gut für den Magen Other/Unspecified 38 7 %
Details mæslinger measles Masern Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details nikotinforgiftning Nicotine poisoning Nikotinvergiftung Other/Unspecified 60-670 7 %
Details nyrebækkenbetændelse inflammation of pelvis of kidney Nierenbeckenentzündung Other/UnspecifiedFolia 2-67, 62 15 %
Details nyrelidelser disorder of the kidneys Nierenkrank Other/Unspecified 1-134, 3-20, 10-19, 31-35 30 %
Details ophidselse Excitability Aufgeregtheit Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details opkvikkende middel Pick-me-up anregend Other/UnspecifiedFolia 10-19, 32-22, 38, 61, 62 38 %
Details ormemiddel Anthelmintic Anthelminthikum Other/UnspecifiedFolia 3-42, 61, 62 23 %
Details Ormemiddel for børn Anthelmintic for children Würmer bei Kindern Other/Unspecified 31-35 7 %
Details Osteoporose Osteoporosis Osteoporose Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
Details paradentose Periodontitis Parodontitis Other/UnspecifiedFolia 1-134, 31-35, 62 23 %
Details reumatisme rheumatism Rheuma Other/UnspecifiedFolia 31-35, 61, 62 23 %
Details rheumatiske tilstande rheumatic conditions - Other/Unspecified 3-42 7 %
Details sammentrækkende middel astringent Adstringens Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details skørbug scurvy Skorbut Other/UnspecifiedHerba 1-134, 3-42, 21-20, 31-35, 38, 61 46 %
Details slim i luftvejene accumulation of mucus in the respiratory passages Schleimbildung in den Luftwegen Other/Unspecified 3-42 7 %
Details slimløsende Mucolytic agent Expektorans Other/UnspecifiedFolia 10-19, 26-140, 32-22, 38, 61, 62 46 %
Details stafylokok infektion Anti-Staphylococcic Staphylokokkeninfektionen Other/Unspecified 2-67 7 %
Details stendannelser Anti-Lithic - Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details streptokok infektion streptococcal infection - Other/Unspecified 2-67 7 %
Details Struma Goitre Struma Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Styrker hår - - Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details svækkelsestilstande weakness Schwächezustand Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
Details Syfilis Syphilis Syphilis Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Sår wounds Wunde Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details tandbyld dental abscess Zahngeschwüre Herba 21-20 7 %
Details Tandpine toothache Zahnschmerz Other/Unspecified 23-24 7 %
Details Tandproblemer Tooth problems Zahnproblemen Other/Unspecified 38 7 %
Details tonikum Tonic Tonikum Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Tuberkulose tuberculosis Tuberkulose Other/Unspecified 26-140, 38 15 %
Details tyktarmskatar colitis Chronisch Dickdarmskatarrh Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details uren hud cleansing the skin Hautunreinheiten Folia 62 7 %
Details urindrivende diuretic Diuretikum Other/UnspecifiedFoliaFlos/Flores 1-134, 3-42, 23-24, 26-140, 32-22, 38, 60-670, 61, 62 69 %
Details Urinforgiftning Uremia - Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details virusagtig infektion - - Other/Unspecified 2-67 7 %
  Kvindelidelser Women's diseases Frauenleiden Agrement on sources with registrations
Details menstruationsfremmende Amenorrhoea Amenorrhoe Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
Details Menstruationssmerter Dysmennorhoea Menstruationsschmerzen Other/Unspecified 61 7 %
  Fødevarer Foods Lebensmittel Agrement on sources with registrations
Details Krydderi culinary herb Gewürz Other/UnspecifiedHerba 21-20, 31-35, 32-22, 38 30 %
Details Køkkenurt Vegetable Küchenkraut Other/Unspecified 32-22 7 %
  Andre anvendelser Other uses Andere Verwendung Agrement on sources with registrations
Details hindrer beruselse prevents intoxication verhindert Trunkenheit Other/UnspecifiedHerba 21-20, 23-24 15 %
Details hår præparat hair preparations Haarpflege Other/Unspecified 38 7 %
top of pagePlantUseIngredients



Agrement on sources with registrations
- 2-Phenylethyl-Isothiocyanate 2-Phenylethyl-isothiocyanat Herba 503-656 8%
- Gluconasturtiin - Other/Unspecified 61, 503-656 16%
- Glucosinolates - Other/Unspecified 503-656 8%
- Kcals Kilocalories Herba 503-656 8%
- Phenylethyl-Isothiocyanate Phenylethyl-isothiocyanat Other/Unspecified 503-656 8%
- Phosphate - Other/Unspecified 61 8%
Alanin Alanine Alanin Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
Amylase Amylase Amylase Other/Unspecified 503-656 8%
Antibiotikum Antibiotic Antibiotika Other/Unspecified 2-67, 62 16%
arginin arginine Arginin Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
Arsenik Arsenic Arsen Other/Unspecified 62 8%
ascorbinsyre ascorbic acid Ascorbinsäure Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
aske ash Asche Herba 503-656 8%
Asparaginsyre Aspartic acid Asparaginsäure Herba 503-656 8%
Beta-caroten Beta-carotene Beta-Caroten Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
bitterstof bitter essence Bitterstoff Other/Unspecified 1-134, 10-19, 26-140, 31-35, 32-22, 62, 125-88 58%
Calcium Calcium Calcium Other/UnspecifiedHerba 32-22, 503-656 16%
Cystin Cystine Cystin Herba 503-656 8%
erucasyre erucic-Acid Erucasäure Fructus/Semen 503-656 8%
Fedtstof fat Fette Herba 503-656 8%
Fenylalanin Phenylalanine Phenylalanin Herba 503-656 8%
Fibre Fibres Fasern Herba 503-656 8%
Folacin Folacin Folacin Other/Unspecified 503-656 8%
fosfor phosphorus Phosphor Other/UnspecifiedHerba 32-22, 503-656 16%
Glukonasturtin gluconasturtine Glukonasturtin Other/Unspecified 26-140, 32-22 16%
Glutaminsyre Glutamic acid Glutaminsäure Herba 503-656 8%
glycin Glycine Glycin Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
glykosidisk bundet svovlholdig flygtig olie - - Other/Unspecified 1-134 8%
histidin Histidine Histidin Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
Isoleucin Isoleucine Isoleucin Herba 503-656 8%
jern iron Eisen Other/UnspecifiedHerba 32-22, 61, 62, 503-656 33%
jod iodine Iod Other/Unspecified 1-134, 10-19, 26-140, 31-35, 32-22, 61, 62 58%
kalium potassium Kalium Other/UnspecifiedHerba 61, 503-656 16%
Kobber Copper Kupfer Other/Unspecified 32-22, 61, 503-656 25%
Kulhydrater Carbohydrates Kohlenhydrate Herba 503-656 8%
Leucin Leucine Leucin Herba 503-656 8%
Lysin Lysine Lysin Herba 503-656 8%
magnesium magnesium Magnesium Herba 503-656 8%
mangan manganese Mangan Other/Unspecified 32-22, 503-656 16%
Methionin Methionine Methionin Herba 503-656 8%
natrium sodium Natrium Herba 503-656 8%
Nikotinamid Nicotinamide Nikotinamid Other/Unspecified 32-22 8%
Phylloquinon Phylloquinone Phylloquinon Folia 503-656 8%
Prolin Proline Prolin Herba 503-656 8%
protein proteins Protein Herba 503-656 8%
provitamin-A Provitamin-A Provitamin-A Other/Unspecified 61 8%
rutin rutin Rutin Other/Unspecified 503-656 8%
salicylat salicylate Salicylate Other/UnspecifiedHerba 62, 503-656 16%
sennepsagtig olie - - Folia 21-20 8%
sennepsolie mustard oil Senföl Other/Unspecified 62, 125-88 16%
sennepsolie-glykosid mustard oil glycoside Senfölglykoside Other/Unspecified 32-22 8%
Serin Serine Serin Herba 503-656 8%
svovl Sulfur Schwefel Other/Unspecified 61 8%
svovlholdig flygtig olie sulphur-containing oil schwefelhaltig flüchtiges Öl Other/Unspecified 1-134, 10-19, 31-35, 62 33%
tannin tannin Tannine Other/Unspecified 61 8%
threonin Threonine Threonin Herba 503-656 8%
Tryptofan Tryptophan Tryptophan Herba 503-656 8%
tyrosin Tyrosine Tyrosin Herba 503-656 8%
Valin Valine Valin Herba 503-656 8%
vand water Wasser Herba 503-656 8%
Vitamin A Vitamin A Vitamin A Other/Unspecified 32-22, 61 16%
Vitamin B1 Thiamine Vitamin B1 Herba 503-656 8%
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Vitamin B2 Herba 503-656 8%
Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 Herba 503-656 8%
Vitamin B5 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B5 Other/Unspecified 61, 503-656 16%
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Herba 503-656 8%
Vitamin B8 Vitamin B8 Vitamin B8 Other/Unspecified 503-656 8%
Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C Other/UnspecifiedHerba 1-134, 10-19, 21-20, 23-24, 26-140, 31-35, 32-22, 62, 125-88 75%
Vitamin E Vitamin E Vitamin E Other/Unspecified 1-134, 10-19, 31-35, 32-22 33%
zink zinc Zink Other/Unspecified 62, 503-656 16%
æterisk olie essential oil ätherische Öle Other/UnspecifiedHerba 21-20, 32-22, 125-88, 503-656 33%
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